Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson argues that the most astounding fact about the universe is that everything is connected. (Humans are made of atoms, the same thing that everything else throughout the whole universe is made of, and uses the example of the stars). Watch above to see him go into further depth.

V for Vendetta
  1. Types of Government
  2. Personal freedom vs. Government control
  3. Lacking of human rights

Building is located at 151 Charles St. West

Hi, my name is Dayna Hentges, this is my first blog post for FFP Class at Huron Heights Secondary.
I'm in 10th grade. My favourite subjects are English, French (or really any 2nd language) and music.

I love music, I go to many concerts. My favourite genre is indie rock/pop, for example Hedley, Marianas Trench, The Maine, All Time Low, etc.

My best friend includes my older sister who is 22, she is my overall inspiration to be successful throughout life.